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Invisalign i7: The solution for slight tooth misalignments

Invisalign i7 is perfect for correcting slight tooth misalignments in a short time. You can find all information about the treatment here.

Invisalign i7 is an innovative method of correcting misaligned teeth that offers a virtually invisible alternative to traditional braces.

This revolutionary technology has allowed many people to discreetly and effectively improve their smiles without resorting to metal braces and wires.

Get 150 € discount on your dental correction!
Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

What is Invisalign i7?

Invisalign i7 is a special type of Invisalign designed for less complex cases.

It is a more time-efficient and cost-effective option compared to other Invisalign.

Invisalign i7 is excellent for correcting minor tooth misalignments such as small gaps, slight overbites or moderate tilting of the teeth.

How does Invisalign i7 work?

The Invisalign i7 treatment process begins with a thorough examination by a qualified Invisalign.

With the help of the latest 3D imaging technology, an individual treatment plan is created.

Custom-made transparent aligners are then fabricated, which gradually produce the desired tooth movements.

Young woman inserts aligner - Invisalign i7

The treatment process in 6 steps

  1. Consultation and examination: The dentist or orthodontist performs a comprehensive examination and discusses the treatment goals with the patient.
  2. 3D imaging: Precise models of the teeth are created using 3D imaging technology to develop the individual treatment plan.
  3. Aligner fabrication: Based on the 3D models, custom-made aligners are fabricated to enable the desired tooth movements.
  4. Wearing the aligners: The patient wears the aligners for about 20-22 hours per day and changes them every 1-2 weeks according to the individual treatment plan.
  5. Follow-up appointments: The dentist monitors the progress of the treatment and performs regular check-ups to ensure that the desired results are achieved.
  6. End of treatment: After completion of treatment, retainers are recommended to maintain the achieved results in the long term.

Advantages of Invisalign i7

Invisalign i7 offers a variety of advantages over traditional braces:

  • Aesthetics: Invisalign i7 transparent aligners are nearly invisible, which allows for discreet treatment.
  • Comfort: The aligners are made of soft plastic and have no sharp edges, which makes them comfortable to wear.
  • Flexibility: The aligners can be easily removed for eating, drinking and oral hygiene, minimizing restrictions in everyday life.
  • Effectiveness: Invisalign i7 can provide quick results in many cases and effectively achieve the desired tooth movements.

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign i7?

Invisalign i7 is best suited for people with less complex malocclusions.

The method is particularly effective in correcting slight tilting of teeth, small gaps or slight overbites.

A qualified Invisalign can perform an accurate assessment and determine if Invisalign i7 is the right option for your individual case.

Get 150 € discount on your dental correction!
Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

Invisalign i7 compared to other Invisalign

Here’s how Invisalign i7 compares to other Invisalign:

Invisalign i7 vs. Invisalign Lite

Invisalign Lite is another option of Invisalign for less complex cases.

Compared to Invisalign i7, Invisalign Lite requires a longer treatment time and is suitable for slightly more complex tooth movements.

A qualified Invisalign can accurately explain the differences and recommend the appropriate option.

Invisalign i7 vs. Invisalign Full

Invisalign Full is the most comprehensive option of Invisalign and is suitable for complex cases that require more extensive tooth movement.

Invisalign comparison, Invisalign i7 is more time-efficient and cost-effective, but only offers an effective solution for less complex malocclusions.

What is the cost of Invisalign i7?

The cost of Invisalign i7 may vary depending on the individual case. As a rule, the cost of Invisalign i7 is slightly lower than the cost of Invisalign Lite or Invisalign Full.

A qualified Invisalign can give an accurate cost estimate based on specific treatment goals.

Invisalign this article you will find more information about Invisalign costs.

Young woman holds invisible brace in hand and points to it.

Aftercare and maintenance

After completing Invisalign i7 treatment, it is important to maintain the results in the long term and to take proper care of the teeth. These include:

1. retention after treatment

The dentist will recommend you to wear retainers after the Invisalign i7 treatment to stabilize the achieved results in the long term.

Retainers are special transparent splints that are initially worn around the clock and later only at night.

2. cleaning the aligners

It is important to clean the aligners regularly to maintain optimal oral health.

This can be done by brushing the aligners with a soft toothbrush and using special cleaning solutions.

Invisalign i7 success rates

Invisalign i7 has proven to be an effective method for correcting mild tooth misalignment. The Invisalign method works well in most cases.

However, success rates depend on adherence to wearing instructions and the body’s individual response to treatment.

A qualified Invisalign can give a realistic assessment of the chances of success.

Patient experience with Invisalign i7

Many patients have had positive experiences with Invisalign i7.

They appreciate the aesthetics, comfort and effectiveness of this treatment method.

Individual experiences may vary, however, and it is important to follow the dentist’s instructions carefully.

DrSmile is a cheaper alternative to Invisalign

Do you only need an esthetic correction of the front teeth or do you only have a slight to moderate malocclusion?

Then we clearly recommend cheaper providers like DrSmile. Because the company offers a very good price-performance ratio and communicates its prices transparently.

Only high-quality materials and state-of-the-art technologies are used in the production “made in Germany & USA”.

Through the app, the course of treatment is regularly monitored and kept in view by dentists and orthodontists. Last but not least, DrSmile offers a satisfaction promise.

In this article, we compare the two providers in more detail: DrSmile vs. Invisalign. You can book a free and non-binding consultation appointment here.

Conclusion on Invisalign i7

Invisalign i7 is an innovative solution for the correction of mild tooth misalignments.

With its almost invisible aesthetics, high comfort and effective results, the treatment method has helped many people improve their smile.

With an individualized treatment plan and regular monitoring by a qualified Invisalign, Invisalign i7 can produce the desired results.

Get 150 € discount on your dental correction!
Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

FAQs about Invisalign i7

At this point we will answer some frequently asked questions aboutInvisalign i7″.

How long does an Invisalign i7 treatment take?

The duration of Invisalign i7 treatment may vary depending on the individual case. However, it usually lasts between 3 and 6 months.

Are the Invisalign i7 aligners really invisible?

Yes, Invisalign i7 aligners are made of transparent plastic and are therefore almost invisible.

Can I wear Invisalign i7 when I am older?

Yes, Invisalign i7 can be used on adults of any age as long as they are appropriate candidates for treatment.

Do I have to change my diet during Invisalign i7 treatment?

No, one of the advantages of Invisalign i7 is that the aligners are removable. You can enjoy your favorite foods and drinks by removing the aligners while you eat.

Can I bill Invisalign i7 treatment costs through my health insurance?

Health insurance coverage for Invisalign i7 treatment may vary from provider to provider and country to country. As a rule, however, the costs for aesthetic dental corrections are not covered.

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Author: Franzi

Franzi was born in Nuremberg in 1987 and remained faithful to the beautiful Franconian region even after graduating high school. She first moved to Erlangen, where she successfully completed her studies in German and sociology. But before she threw herself into working life, she was determined to treat herself to some time off and decided to fly to New Zealand for a year of work and travel. Here she discovered her love of travel, which she would later turn into a profession. Back in Germany, Franzi gained experience in PR and marketing as well as journalism and editing. But since her wanderlust did not decrease, she used every free minute to travel our beautiful planet. To further develop her editorial skills at the same time, she founded her sports and travel blog Coconut Sports in 2014. From office job to self-employment At some point, a hobby became an additional mainstay, and so, a few years later, Franzi decided to quit her office job and take the step into self-employment. In addition to her blog, she was gradually joined by more and more editorial clients and a part-time job as a flight attendant for a major German airline. Franzi came across...

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