Invisalign Review: Are the aligners worth their price?

4 Jan 2023 9 min read No comments Invisalign

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How well do Invisalign aligners work in the office? The positive and negative Invisalign experiences of former and current patients.

They are literally on everyone’s lips: invisible braces (aligners), which have already discreetly helped millions of people around the world to achieve a more beautiful smile.

So it’s no wonder that new competitors have been entering the aligner market for years. But the mother of all invisible dental splints is still successfully represented with its products today.

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Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

We are talking about Align Technology and its Invisalign braces. The company has already recorded over 14 million completed dental corrections and can boast by far the most experience.

But does the Invisalign product really deliver what it promises? What are the Invisalign experiences of current and former patients and is the relatively high price worth it?

Woman holding aligner with smile - Invisalign experience

What exactly is Invisalign and who is behind the brand?

Behind the brand Invisalign is the company Align Technology. The company is based in the US state of California and has been manufacturing invisible aligners there since 1997.

Since 1999, the clear braces have also been available in Germany. Tooth correction is now offered by several thousand partner practices in all states.

Unlike other aligner providers, the invisible dental trays are capable of correcting even complex tooth and bite misalignments.

While competitors’ products are only suitable for aesthetic anterior corrections, Invisalign can also correct overbite, underbite, crossbite and much more.

The target group of Invisalign is also a larger one. Because unlike the competition, Invisalign also offers invisible braces for teenagers.

However, the whole thing also has its price. Invisalign is the most expensive product on the aligner market – more info on Invisalign costs can be found here .

And even if you only want to straighten your front teeth with the splints, you will still pay significantly more than with the other providers.

How does dental treatment with Invisalign work?

Invisalign aligners are completely transparent and therefore almost invisible to third parties. The plastic splints are slipped over the teeth, where they fit snugly and precisely.

When worn, they exert constant pressure on the teeth, gradually bringing them into the desired position. At the end of the treatment, the malocclusion should be completely eliminated.

However, the concept only works if the dental splint is worn around the clock. Although you can take them out to eat and brush your teeth. However, the total wearing time should be at least 22 hours per day.

Drinking with aligners is possible without any problems. However, they should not be used when consuming some beverages, such as cola or black tea .

This is because they can cause the dental trays to discolor and after a while they are no longer transparent.

Caution is also advised with sugary drinks – here you should clean the aligners afterwards.

Woman holding aligner in hand - closeup

Invisalign treatment: Can malocclusions be corrected with aligners?

Treatment with Invisalign begins quite straightforwardly. The first step is to visit the Invisalign website to locate a nearby practitioner and schedule an initial appointment.

And so it goes on:

  • During the first appointment, a digital 3D scan of your teeth will be taken. Afterwards, the dentist or orthodontist will create your individual treatment plan.
  • Only if you are satisfied with the treatment plan and decide to undergo the treatment, a contract is concluded and costs are incurred.
  • Your Invisalign aligners will then be custom made and you will be notified when they are ready.
  • You will receive your dental splints during a second appointment. The dentist or orthodontist will perform another check and if everything fits, you can start wearing it.
  • The invisible braces must now be worn for at least 22 hours a day and should only be removed for eating and oral hygiene.
  • The splints are changed after 7, 10, 11 or 14 days – it depends on how complex the treatment is.
  • Every 6 to 8 weeks you will need to attend a check-up appointment – this is where your progress will be monitored and you will receive your next set of aligners.
  • Your dentist or orthodontist can also track your progress using the Invisalign app and provide feedback if necessary.
  • The treatment lasts on average 12 to 18 months – first results are usually visible after 6 months.
  • After completion of the treatment, the retention phase begins. In this case, the teeth must be stabilized in the new position with the help of a retainer (fixed or loose).

So far so good – but does it all work so smoothly in practice?

Man holds aligner in hand and makes grimace

Invisalign experience at rating portals

Unfortunately, only a few Invisalign experiences from current and former users can be found on the usual evaluation portals. This could be because the company is based in the United States.

On Trustpilot, only a few Invisalign experiences have been shared so far – the existing ones are very mixed.

You can also currently only find Invisalign experience reports from the United Kingdom and the United States. However, these cannot be transferred 1:1 to the German market, as the treatment standards of the countries differ greatly.

However, it is clear that it is not so much Invisalign itself that is being criticized as the approach taken by dentists and orthodontists in the USA and Great Britain.

Facebook, on the other hand, presents a completely different picture. For years, the social media website has also been used as an evaluation platform, so that a number of Invisalign experiences can now be found here.

On the German Facebook page of Invisalign, users rate the invisible dental trays with 4.3 out of 5 stars, which is a good result.

Get 150 € discount on your dental correction!
Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

Positive Invisalign experiences: What do users praise?

On Trustpilot, many patients report thoroughly positive experiences with Invisalign. One user also writes that she can in no way understand the negative Invisalign testimonials.

First and foremost, the uncomplicated treatment, the course of treatment according to plan and the good final result are praised.

On the German Facebook page of Invisalign, some patients report that treatment with regular dental splints would not have been possible given the severity of their misalignments.

However, Invisalign aligners were able to correct their more complex dental problems.

In general, almost only positive Invisalign experiences can be found here. Many users positively emphasize the successful results and the competence of their dentists and orthodontists.

Woman at dentist gets denture X-ray explained

Bad experiences with Invisalign: What do patients criticize?

Also the bad experiences with Invisalign we would like to mention here, of course. When doing your research, however, you should always keep in mind that users tell about bad experiences much more often than good ones.

Individual users in the UK and the USA criticize the actions of dentists and orthodontists in the course of their treatment on Trustpilot. However, as mentioned above, treatment standards vary from country to country.

Other users are bothered by the fact that the splints have to be removed for eating and drinking, and it may be necessary to always have a toothbrush or rinse and a sleeve for the splints with you in everyday life.

However, everyone who decides to undergo treatment with the invisible aligners should be aware that wearing aligners requires discipline.

Some users are also dissatisfied with the treatment result. Customer service and aftercare are also criticized in isolated cases.

Testimonials about Invisalign dental trays, teeth straightening and aftercare.

In addition to the classic evaluation portals, you can also find many blogs and vlogs online in which patients report in detail about their Invisalign experiences.

For example, in this article, one of the authors of Stylight talks in great detail about the positive and negative experiences she had in the process of correcting her misaligned teeth.

Instead of fixed braces, she opted for Invisalign aligners and has not regretted the move. After two months, she could already see good results.

Beforehand, the editor was concerned about pain and a possible lisp – but fortunately neither of these fears materialized.

Although her Invisalign experience was mostly positive, there were, of course, a few things that kept bothering her during the course of treatment.

For example, the editor reports that she has to be extremely organized in her daily routine and always carry dental hygiene equipment.

It also often bites the tongue and gums, as patients first have to get used to the new position of the teeth.

You can also find a lot of information and a personal experience report in this detailed vlog on Kathi’s YouTube channel:

Conclusion about the Invisalign experience: Do the invisible braces deliver what they promise?

The Invisalign experiences of former and current patients make it clear that discreet tooth correction with aligners is definitely possible.

In many cases, Invisalign trays have helped users from all over the world achieve a more beautiful smile.

However, this requires a lot of discipline. Only those who are willing to wear the clear braces consistently for 22 hours a day and then also insert the retainers regularly can expect a positive result.

However, the negative aspects of Invisalign include first and foremost its relatively high price. The Invisalign system is especially worthwhile for patients with complex malocclusions that cannot be treated with regular aligners.

If, on the other hand, you are only interested in an aesthetic anterior tooth correction, providers such as DrSmile offer better value for money.

Get 150 € discount on your dental correction!
Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up

Book a consultation appointment now at a nearby DrSmile partner practice and find out if teeth straightening with aligners is right for you.

The appointment is completely non-binding and does not involve any costs.

With the code “THATSMILE150” you will receive 150 € discount on the treatment.

FAQs on the subject of experience with Invisalign

Here we answer a few more of the most frequently asked questions about Invisalign experience.

You can find more articles and information about Invisalign here.

For whom is Invisalign not suitable?

Invisalign invisible braces can be used in almost all orthodontic cases.

Only in the case of extreme malocclusions (for example, an inclination of the teeth of more than 45 degrees due to a lack of space in the jaw) can the aligners reach their limits. In this case, patients actually need fixed braces.

Can you talk normally with Invisalign?

You definitely can. This is because the invisible braces no longer have much in common with the removable braces of the past, which require significantly more space than aligners.

Only a few patients report a very slight lisp, but this usually subsides after a few days.

When do you see the first successes with Invisalign?

Although Invisalign treatment takes an average of 12 to 18 months, you can often see the first results after just a few weeks.

How long does Invisalign hurt?

The feelings of pressure that can occur after the first insertion of a splint or after changing the splint usually disappear in a relatively short time.

In principle, however, tooth correction with Invisalign is painless.

Woman holding aligner and smiling with thumbs up
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